1093. James BAUDOUIN was born on 8 Dec 1858 in Clarksville, TN. He appeared on the census in 1920 in St. Charles Parish, LA. He died on 17 Apr 1935 in Hahnville, La.

He was married to Georgeane PHILILPS (daughter of Michael PHILLIPS and Alistin (Flestine) GUERIN) on 16 Nov 1887 in , St. Charles Parish, LA.(152) Georgeane PHILILPS(3661) was born on 11 Feb 1864.(3662) (3663) She died on 17 Apr 1936.(478) She was buried in St. Charles Borromeo Church, Destrahan. (478) James BAUDOUIN and Georgeane PHILILPS had the following children:

child+2195 i. Oliver Pardue BAUDOUIN was born on 17 Aug 1888 in , St. Charles Parish, LA.(3664) He appeared on the census in 1930 in New Orleans, on 1922 Rendon St..(3665) He was a Clerk for the railroad in 1930 in New Orleans,. He died on 30 May 1958 in New Orleans, Orleans Parish, LA.
child+2196 ii. Irby Telesphore BAUDOUIN Sr(207) was born on 5 Jul 1891 in Hahnville, La. He was a Clerk of Court in 1920 in St. Charles Parish, LA.(3662) He appeared on the census in 1920 in St. Charles Parish, LA. He died on 30 Jun 1962 in Hahnville, La.
child+2197 iii. Albert Phillips BAUDOUIN was born on 23 Nov 1889 in Hahnville, La. (478) He died on 17 Feb 1935 in Marshall, TX. He was buried in St. Charles Borromeo Church, Destrahan. (478)
child2198 iv. Waldo James BAUDOUIN died on 6 Jan 1899. He was born in Hahnville, La.
child+2199 v. Elmer L. BAUDOUIN was born on 25 Mar 1893 in Hahnville, La. He was a laborer - oil plant in 1920.(3662) He died on 4 Apr 1973.
child+2200 vi. Percy William BAUDOUIN was born on 26 Jan 1895 in Hahnville, La. He was an Insurance Agent in 1920 in St. Charles Parish, LA. (3662) He died on 12 Jan 1951.
child+2201 vii. Wilbur George BAUDOUIN was born on 11 May 1899 in Hahnville, La. He was a laborer at oil plant in 1920.(3662) He died on 18 Oct 1967.